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Showing posts from 2016

Loan and advances note for Banker

IMPORTANT With fast promotions and less experience most managers/ officers find it tough to handle the advances pressure of the branch. Let me tell you advances or loans which are done in pressure normally turn bad/ NPA. So its better to have thorough knowledge of advances before going for the dip. Here I present you the checklist while doing documentation or appraising loan cases and NPA Prevention-. *1) KYC*- yes KYC is must. You must first identify the customer. It is better to approach the customer rather customer approaches you. Sometimes borrower is not selected properly he is either new customer or introduced by another stranger or middlemen. Never involve middlemen, talk to customers directly. Avoid giving multiple loans to single party/ family or a group, to minors, lunatics or insolvents. It is compulsory to complete all the KYC norms  before even thinking of giving loan. For KYC the following things are to be taken care of- a) Proof of Identity b) Proof of residence c)

जब अशोक के समय में संस्कृत की शब्दावली नहीं है, तब गौतम बुद्ध के समय में संस्कृत की शब्दावली की कल्पना बेकार की बात है। ‘भारतीय समाज में यह एक उल्‍लेखनीय दौर रहा है कि ब्राहमणें ने महत्‍वपूर्ण  स्‍थिति बना ली थी, परंतु अपने विषय में उसने जो साहित्‍य रचा निस्‍संदेह वह बहुत ही अवांछनीय है। कोई भी यह कल्‍पना नहीं कर सकता कि इतिहास के उस दौर में आदिम समाज में ही कोई ऐसा साहित्‍य रचा जा सकता हो जो इतना पांडित्‍यपूर्ण हो और कालातित हो। रचनाएं इतनी अनर्गल हैं कि जिनका कोई जोड़ नहीं। उसमें उपहासास्‍पद विचार भरे पड़े हैं जिनमें सशक्‍त भाषा और सुविचारित तर्क हैं और विचित्र परंपराएं हैं। ये विकृत रचनाओं का अंशमात्र है जैसे पीतल या रांग में रत्‍न जड़ दिए गए हों। यह क्षूद्र साहित्‍य सामान्‍यत: अरूचिकर शब्‍दाडंबर है जिसमें पोंगापंथी, अहंकार और पूरा पांडित्‍य भरा पड़ा है। इतिहासकारों के लिए बहुत महत्‍वपूर्ण बात है कि वे यह पता लगाएं कि किसी राष्‍ट्र का स्‍वस्‍थ विकास ऐसी पोंगापंथी और अंधविश्‍वासों के रहते कितनी तीव्रता से हो सकता है। हमारे लिए यह जानना महत्‍वपूर्ण है कि आरंभिक काल में क्‍या कोई देश ऐसी महामारी से ग्रस्‍त हो सकता ह

Change your mind Change your brain : buddhist Tibbetian buddhist are great teachers of buddhism. their love and compassion teaching is adorable. outer conditions play a huge role in our lives but inner conditions also.State of mind is playing a great role in handling all situations.

Read Buddhism Read Inner you...........

Buddhism is need of world. Buddhist meditation is gaining importance nowadays. People are moving towards buddha sayings............. Eight fold noble Path 1. Right Understanding To understand the Law of Cause and Effect and the Four Noble Truths. 2. Right Attitude Not harbouring thoughts of greed and anger. 3. Right Speech Avoid lying, gossip, harsh speech and tale-telling. 4. Right Action Not to destroy any life, not to steal or commit adultery. 5. Right Livelihood Avoiding occupations that bring harm to oneself and others. 6. Right Effort Earnestly doing one's best in the right direction. 7. Right Mindfulness Always being aware and attentive. 8. Right Concentration To making the mind steady and calm in order to realise the true nature of things.

Buddha Middle path for student study

Student should study so much that he got best grades and reputation but also not so much that deteriorate his health that is student follow madhayam marg in daily study. As it was said veena wires should be tight enough to play good tunes but not so tight that wires may broke or  loose so no music comes from it.


Compassion , a wish that other person be happy

His Holiness the Dalai Lama, by Alison Wright This teaching by the Dalai Lama explains how the Buddhist teachings of mindfulness and compassion lead inevitably to feelings of self-confidence and kindness. As human beings we all have the potential to be happy and compassionate people, and we also have the potential to be miserable and harmful to others. The potential for all these things is present within each of us.If we want to be happy, then the important thing is to try to promote the positive and useful aspects in each of us and to try to reduce the negative. Doing negative things, such as stealing and lying, may occasionally seem to bring some short-term satisfaction, but in the long term they will always bring us misery. Positive acts always bring us inner strength. With inner strength we have less fear and more self-confidence, and it becomes much easier to extend our sense of caring to others without any barriers, whether religious, cultural, or otherwise. It is thus very imp

Anirban returns to JNU's Freedom Square - Full Speech | #StandWithJNU Anirban Bhattacharya, JNU student who had been jailed on false charges under the draconian sedition law returned to the JNU campus on 18 March 2016 following the grant of six months' interim bail to him and Umar Khalid by the Patiala House court in Delhi. This is the full speech that he gave at the administrative block in JNU, now popularly known as 'Freedom Square'.

On divide and rule

Today  divide and rule policy is perfectly implemented in our country. firstly people were divided by bigots(Manuvadis) on lines of caste , then divided people on lines of religion. now bigots are dividing people on lines of Psedo nationalism. Barkha dutt gave a brilliant speech that might pseudo nationalist cannot understand.

Great forgotten Leaders and social Reformers

Forgotten Social Reformers of India