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Showing posts from November, 2016

Loan and advances note for Banker

IMPORTANT With fast promotions and less experience most managers/ officers find it tough to handle the advances pressure of the branch. Let me tell you advances or loans which are done in pressure normally turn bad/ NPA. So its better to have thorough knowledge of advances before going for the dip. Here I present you the checklist while doing documentation or appraising loan cases and NPA Prevention-. *1) KYC*- yes KYC is must. You must first identify the customer. It is better to approach the customer rather customer approaches you. Sometimes borrower is not selected properly he is either new customer or introduced by another stranger or middlemen. Never involve middlemen, talk to customers directly. Avoid giving multiple loans to single party/ family or a group, to minors, lunatics or insolvents. It is compulsory to complete all the KYC norms  before even thinking of giving loan. For KYC the following things are to be taken care of- a) Proof of Identity b) Proof of residence c)